Making Bread The Easy Way

UPDATE: The online courses are now available. You can choose from my Bread Made Easy Masterclass, Bread Basics, Savoury Breads, Easter Breads and Christmas Breads. Take a look at our Online Bread Courses page to help you decide which one will suit you best.

I have been busy filming videos for my new online courses to teach you how to make bread the easy way. Some of these videos will be available to watch on my YouTube channel and some will be exclusively available as part of the new online course. The new online course will be available in the autumn, (if I can get my head around all of the new technology).

You can now watch my first bread making video. Part One shows you how to mix and develop a dough using the stretch and fold method which is the way we make all of the doughs in my classes. Using this method makes it really easy to fit making a loaf into your daily (or twice weekly) routine. It is less messy and waits for you to be ready rather than you trying to structure your day around your loaf. Part Two shows you how to shape your loaf for a good rise, how to know when it is ready to be baked, how to slash your loaf and how to tell when your loaf is properly baked. It is a great beginning point for anyone wanting to learn how to make bread for the first and a fantastic refresher for anyone that is already making bread regularly but would like a few tips.

With this basic white dough you can make the loaf that I make in Part Two or you can make pizza bases, rolls or naan breads.

More videos will be added to help you with your bread making adventures soon. You can also subscribe to my newsletter to receive my new e-book that shows you my 3 tops tips for improving your bread.

You can find more top tips and recipes on my blog.

marmite bread
Marmite Bread

You can find the recipe for my Marmite bread on the blog.

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