We had another very successful evening of bread making at Little Wenlock on Tuesday. One of the students was a keen bread maker who had requested specifically that we focus on shaping and flavour development. I am very happy to tailor a class around the needs of the participants. So whether you want to know how your dough should feel or how to get the best rise, come along and join me at one of my classes.
We folded a spelt dough that we shaped into tins and kneaded a white dough that we shaped into baguettes, boules and batards. We also made turkish pide and pizza to munch on at half time.
Nothing makes me happier than to pass on my knowledge of bread making to others and then to receive positive feedback is just the icing on the cake. This is the message I received from one of the course participants:
Had a fantastic evening with Veg Patch Kitchen! Gained so much from it all including a few gorgeous, yummy calories! Such a choice of breads this morning for breakfast, the family want me out with Kath Corfield every Tuesday night! Thank you Kath for a wonderful experience and some real usable knowledge.
To book your tailor-made class contact me.