Baking course 1st March

selection of bread baked on the day
Goodies baked by the students on the day

We had another fantastic day of baking this sunday. Three ladies joined us for a relaxed day of bread making. We made a white dough, an enriched dough and an olive oil dough. The enriched dough was made into hot cross buns, chelsea buns and iced fingers. The olive oil dough produced focaccia and fougasse. The students split their goodies between them and ended up with armfuls of bread to enjoy this week. Whilst it hailed heavily outside we were warmly ensconced in Leena’s kitchen baking, drinking tea and eating cake. I can’t think of many ways I’d rather spend a sunday.

I bought home a couple of the iced buns and chelsea buns which were devoured with glee  by my girls.

Table set for tea and cake on arrival
Tea and cake waiting to welcome the students


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