Veg Patch Loaf Project Instalment 4

It’s been 8 weeks today since I planted my April Bearded wheat seeds in a 3mx2m plot next to VPK HQ. This is what the plot looks like today:

April bearded wheat, 8 weeks

There has been a lot of growth in four weeks. The last four weeks has also brought torrential rain storms and long dry patches.  There has been some lodging of the crop (when it falls over) as a result of the heavy rain, but it has recovered surprisingly well.

Lodged wheat
Patch of lodged wheat

There are no signs of wheat heads emerging yet but I hope in the next week or so they will emerge so that they have time to ripen over the summer. This morning’s forecast on the telly was for warm weather for the next few weeks so fingers crossed this helps.  We are watering the wheat when it needs it but being careful not to overwater. I have, of course, not kept on top of the weeds and there is a lot of chickweed growing through the wheat and I can’t bear to pull up a self-seeded poppy so they are growing in amongst the patch too.

There is a little bit of yellowing on some of the leaves. I am not sure whether this is due to a lack of nitrogen or because I didn’t plant the seeds deep enough in the first place. I am hoping it is nothing more sinister than that. If anyone has any suggestions as to what this yellowing might be due to I would be very grateful.

wheat yellowing leaves
Some yellowing of the leaves

All in all, so far so good. There hasn’t been any major disasters yet. The dog is staying away; the rain hasn’t caused too much lasting damage.  We have a long way to go to get a crop yet so please keep your fingers and your toes crossed for me.

I’ll let you know when the wheat heads emerge. I am looking forward to seeing their hairy frothiness, (at least that is what I am expecting from a wheat called April Bearded).

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